A new house is a significant investment and you want to make the most of every penny you will spend. Many people focus on the physical looks of the property and whether it has good plumbing or safe electrical systems. A part of your prospective home you shouldn’t forget about is the roof. Keep in mind that it keeps your family safe, protects your belongings and maintains the comfort of your living space.
It’s essential that you know when the roof was installed. With this information in hand, you will have an idea of when a roof replacement might be necessary. It will also allow you to anticipate potential problems you might encounter later. The age of a house’s roof can affect insurance costs and whether an insurance provider will provide a new policy on the property.
Most states usually require sellers to inform buyers about the damage that previously occurred in a residential home or commercial roofing system. If the roof has existing problems, then you can prepare for it. Asking about the repair history will also save you from buying a property that requires extensive repairs.
Routine inspections and maintenance are essential to a long-lasting roofing system. Harsh outdoor elements can affect the lifespan of your roof. Weather extremes and debris can cause serious damage to its material. Allowing professionals to check your roof from time to time will let you catch problems early before they require costly repairs.
Call us at (541) 241-5720 (Bend), (503) 967-9590 (Portland), (541) 246-6860 (Eugene), (503) 468-7663 (Lake Oswego) or (503) 928-8750 (Beaverton). You may also fill out our contact form to get a free estimate.
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