One of the most important parts of your gutter system is your downspouts. They protect your home’s exteriors from water damage by keeping the water runoff from splashing down on the ground and directing it safely down the drain. This keeps your roof’s edges and siding dry, which may otherwise become rotten and damaged over time.

Whether it’s a routine maintenance check or replacing your entire roofing system, understanding a few things about downspouts may help you understand their role in your gutter system. Residential roofing contractor Deschutes Roofing shares a few interesting facts you need to be aware of:
They Need Proper Care And Maintenance
Your downspouts, along with the rest of your gutter system, will need to be checked every once in a while to ensure it’s in good working condition. They should also be regularly cleaned and maintained to prevent clogging by small debris such as leaves and twigs. But a DIY inspection and maintenance won’t always suffice, because there’s a chance that you won’t spot all the minor problems that could potentially cause more damage to your downspouts and the rest of your gutter system. Make sure to call in a professional contractor for your next gutter inspection!
Proper Gutter Protection Minimizes Maintenance
Cleaning your downspouts and the rest of your gutter system is necessary, but it can sometimes be tedious. Hiring professionals helps minimize this, as they also do a more thorough job in cleaning. But sometimes, debris buildup can be too much for your gutters to handle. To avoid this, hire a trusted residential and commercial roofing contractor to install gutter guards. This can make cleaning and maintenance much easier to handle since the debris doesn’t build up as often as before!
They’re Available in Three Sizes
Downspouts are commonly available in K-Style, round, and rectangular options. K-style downspouts are not symmetrically designed, unlike their round and rectangular counterparts, since one side is more K-shaped. This is designed to avoid falling leaves from damaging the downspout. It also allows a larger volume of water runoff.
Whether it’s gutter maintenance or metal roofing replacement, Deschutes Roofing has got you covered! Call us at (541) 241-5720 if you’re in Bend, (503) 967-9590 if you’re from Portland, (541) 246-6860 if you’re in Eugene, (503) 468-7663 if you’re in Lake Oswego, or (503) 928-8750 if you’re from Beaverton. You can also fill out our convenient online form.