It’s no secret that ice and snow can have a tremendous impact on your roof. If you’re not careful your roof may suffer permanent damage that can lead you to need costly repairs.

If you have ever wondered exactly what impact ice and snow have on your roof, here is a closer look at what will happen if ice and snow are allowed to settle on your roof.
One of the main things that ice and snow can do to your roof is to apply a lot of pressure. The heavyweight of ice and snow sitting on the roof can be very detrimental.
Over time you may find that your roof begins to sag under the intense weight. Sagging roofs are prone to leakage. If the snow and ice are heavy enough, parts of your roof may even cave in.
Ice and snow are some of the main culprits of leaking roofs. As mentioned before, the pressure from the ice and snow on your roof can lead to leakages. However, it’s more than just pressure. When ice and snow are allowed to settle on your roof they may start to melt and some of the liquid may find its way underneath your shingles. This is especially true if there are small cracks in your roof.
When ice and snow settle on your roof you may experience a lot of leakages if melting starts to take place. The water from the melting ice and snow can find its way through your insulation and reach your walls and ceilings. This can lead to a lot of water damage and mold growth. When ice and snow start to settle on your roof it can easily lead to a freeze and thaw cycle if you’re not careful.
Each cycle can bring more damage than the last to your roof.
Preventing Ice and Snow Damage
Now that you are aware of exactly how ice and snow can damage your roof, the best thing you can do is to take precautionary measures to lessen the impact on your roof. The best way to prevent damage to your roof is to routinely do inspections. If you can identify weak areas in your roof and get them fixed, your roof would be better able to withstand ice and snow damage.
One way you can easily reduce ice and snow on your roof is to get a roof rake. Roof rakes help to pull snow that has become loose from your roof. Your roof rake will be able to do this before the ice and snow have a chance to settle. Roof rakes can also break up any icicles or ice dams that are forming on your roof.
Take Care of Your Roof
The impact of ice and snow on your roof can be tremendous. The best way to prevent damage is to be proactive.
When ice and snow start to settle on your roof there will inevitably be pressure and this can lead to roof damage.
If you suspect that your roof has been damaged and you want to have it inspected, the best thing to do is call in a professional.