If you’ve ever asked, “why are HVAC systems on the roof of your commercial building?” the simple answer is to save space. However, as a business owner or building manager, you should be aware of the logistical challenges it can present. Firstly, completing HVAC repairs may become an inconvenience. Secondly, the bulky units could impact[…] Read More
Your roof is one of the most important parts of your building because it keeps you and your business safe from the elements. It can also protect your building against natural disasters such as hail, high winds, and ice storms. But what if you have a leaky roof? Or if water is ponding? These problems[…] Read More
Do you have ponding water on your flat roof? You might assume that it shouldn’t be there and needs to be dealt with. While that’s true, you could have multiple other questions about it. Perhaps the most notable is how the ponding water on a flat roof got there and why it stayed. While rainwater[…] Read More
Eugene is a beautiful city. Its climate and terrain provide excellent conditions for people to live, work, and play. The city’s diverse and changing weather patterns make it the perfect location for commercial roofing. Eugene has two major seasons: the dry, warm summers and cold, rainy winters. Commercial roofing contractors in Eugene offer solutions for[…] Read More