Many things you do daily at home generates moisture, such as cooking, showering and doing your laundry. This water vapor rises to your attic, where it either escapes or builds up. Without sufficient ventilation, your home is at risk of problems like mold, mildew and excess humidity.
Here are some common insulation mistakes to avoid With a well-insulated attic, you’ll stay more comfortable at home while enjoying savings on your energy costs. You need to make sure your contractor installs your insulation properly. When your attic doesn’t have sufficient insulation, your heating and cooling bills may rise and you’ll experience discomfort.
Regardless of what type of roofing system your home has, it needs roof vents. A roof without vents will eventually run into problems and you’ll be left to decide whether to keep getting roof repair or a replacement.
An attic fan can be installed to help circulate the air under your roof and prevent the attic from overheating. The fan does this by sucking the hot and humid air inside your attic and pushing it outside to allow cooler air to come in.
Installing a new roof involves much more than putting on new shingles and setting a waterproof underlayment. In scorching weather and frosty climates, adequate attic ventilation plays an important role in making your roof, and entire residential structure, last longer and perform better. In this post, a reliable attic ventilation contractor shares the reasons why properly ventilating[…] Read More
An intensely hot, humid attic is something to worry about. The temperature in an unventilated attic can reach up to 150 degrees—50 degrees higher than it should be—in the summer season. This situation leads to many dangerous and costly problems such as baked asphalt shingles, overworked air conditioners, increased utility bills, and heightened demand for roofing[…] Read More