If your home suddenly has problems during the winter season, you usually have to wait until spring to get it fixed. However, if you happen to notice a leak from your home’s ceiling, it will most likely come from your roof. If this is the case, it must be repaired by a professional as soon[…] Read More
There are some things that are okay to put off–but a roof replacement is not one of them. There’s urgency in this project, and it’s a bad idea to wait until your roof is visibly falling apart before taking any action. The trusted roofing contractor in the area, Deschutes Roofing & Insulation, explains what can happen when[…] Read More
Your roof is one of the most important parts of your building because it keeps you and your business safe from the elements. It can also protect your building against natural disasters such as hail, high winds, and ice storms. But what if you have a leaky roof? Or if water is ponding? These problems[…] Read More
Keeping tabs on your asphalt shingle roof is always a good idea. Aside from hail and wind damage, you should also watch out for shingle curling. But what exactly is it and why does it occur? The trusted shingle and metal roofing company in the area, Deschutes Roofing & Insulation, shares the essentials you need to[…] Read More
Rain, hail, wind and sun–these can cause damage to your roof in different ways. But there’s still one thing every homeowner should also be wary of–moisture. When overlooked, moisture damage can compromise the performance and structural integrity of your roofing system, leading to extensive roofing repairs or, if the damage is extensive, a complete roof replacement. Deschutes[…] Read More
Do you have ponding water on your flat roof? You might assume that it shouldn’t be there and needs to be dealt with. While that’s true, you could have multiple other questions about it. Perhaps the most notable is how the ponding water on a flat roof got there and why it stayed. While rainwater[…] Read More