Metal Roofing

See the Benefits of Metal Roofing in Eugene, Oregon

Metal roofing is one of the most common roofing styles out there. It has particular benefits depending on the kind of building in question and local weather and environmental conditions in your area.

If you are interested in having metal roofing installed in Eugene, Oregon, we at Deschutes Roofing are more than happy to help. With our professional, experienced team of roofers, we are available to complete your metal roofing installation. We are committed to a high standard, in a timely and efficient manner.

So, what are some of the key benefits of metal roofing that may cause you to want to have it installed on your property?

Benefits of metal

Here are some of the key benefits that are associated with metal roofing.

Exemplary longevity

Metal roofing has an exemplary life expectancy, particularly when compared to some of the other common roofing materials out there. When you have a metal roof installed, you can rest assured that you will be able to leave it alone. You will not have to worry about it for a prolonged period of time.

In fact, metal roofs have a life expectancy of 40+ years. This by far exceeds its alternatives. Asphalt shingles and single ply roofing are only expected to last half as long.

Great safety profile

Metal roofs have a great safety profile, especially with regards to the risk of fire. Metal is a naturally fireproof and fire-retardant material, meaning that in the unfortunate event of a fire, your roof won’t catch flame. Of course, it’s important to note that your roof’s fire resistance will be reduced if you install a metal roof over any combustible materials.

With metal roofs, you also don’t have to worry about tiles breaking in strong weather the same way as you would with other types of roofing.

Easy to maintain

In addition to being very robust and long-lasting, metal roofs are cheap and easy to maintain over their lifespan. Especially in comparison to other common roofing materials.

Metal roofs aren’t generally expected to corrode, split, crack, or become moldy. Rain and snow should also run off of these roofs easily and effectively.

With all of these traits on their side, metal roofs generally require little active maintenance, upkeep, and roofing service over their lifetime.


Metal roofs are among the most eco-friendly and sustainable options out there with regard to roofing materials. 

Not only do many metal roofs contain a high proportion of recycled materials, but metal roofs also shouldn’t deteriorate over time. They will not leak potentially detrimental chemicals and compounds into the environment.

Metal roofs are very environmentally friendly in and of themselves. But, the best part is that once the roof reaches the end of its lifespan, metal roofs can also be fully recycled. This prevents the creation of any landfill whatsoever.

Few, if any material, is as recyclable as metal. Most roofing materials certainly don’t live up to the eco-profile of metal roofing.

Call Deschutes Roofing Today for All of Your Quality Roofing Needs!

Carlos Simpson

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